Whitepaper: How B2B Buy Now Pay Later can reduce your cart abandonment rate

A man holding a box standing next to a woman holding an ipad processing an order
Cart abandonment is a challenge for every business selling online. It’s a lost sales opportunity and a prospect that might never return.

Cart abandonment happens for a number of reasons, and some are actually preventable. Let’s dig into the topic of B2B cart abandonment, why it happens, and how you can reduce your cart abandonment rate.

What is B2B cart abandonment?

B2B cart abandonment is when a business buyer adds products in their online basket and leaves without completing the purchase. It’s a common phenomenon in e-commerce, so don’t beat yourself up if your cart abandonment rate is high or you don’t know exactly what it is. Statistics suggest that on average, B2B cart abandonment across industries sits around 70%, and even the best built websites will experience cart abandonment

Why does B2B cart abandonment happen?

Sad to say, but B2B cart abandonment happens for a number of reasons – some reasons you have power over, and some you don’t. Sometimes, the buyer is doing the online version of “window shopping”. They add products to their basket without intending to buy. Sometimes, the buyer changed their mind.

Either they decided that they didn’t need the product, or their business requirements changed.

And sometimes, it’s because your website or checkout didn’t live up to the buyer’s expectation. Business buyers usually work through a long checklist that you need to live up to, in order for them to complete their purchase.

You don’t need to worry about the two first reasons. They’re 9 times out of 10 out of your control. What you can control however, is your website experience.

B2B cart abandonment usually comes down to six core issues:

How can B2B Buy Now, Pay Later help your business?

If you’re tired of chasing invoices or juggling competing financial priorities, B2B Buy Now, Pay Later could be for you. We’d love to show you how NOTYD can work in your online shop.

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